Travel Safe
The ICLE 2022 scientific organizers, GEMS, and the Conference organizers are committed to creating a safe and effective meeting experience.
The safety of our delegates is our main priority. We are doing everything in our capacity to ensure a smooth process, in correspondence to the current health regulations. We are monitoring the COVID-19 requirements and will be updating the information and safety guidelines regularly with alignment to the situation.
Please be advised to buy a travel insurance with global COVID-19 coverage which will reimburse you for all costs (medical and non-medical), should you contract corona virus or you are quarantined during your trip. Although we are positive regarding the Conference taking place physically, we advise you to book flexible plane tickets with option for refund.
The below COVID-19 regulations are relevant in regard to travel to Munich, Germany, and in line with guidelines provided by the Conference venue hotel.
As travel requirements and restrictions do change on frequent basis, we recommend checking your airline’s website for requirements for entering Germany (and a connection country, if any) as well as consulting the following sources of information in the weeks leading up to your travel:
Travel restrictions/ Border Control
COVID – 19: Entry in Germany rules and regulations
Munich: COVID restrictions and current information for your visit
Entry in Germany
The country’s entry policy, described below, is aligned with the COVID regulations applicable in Munich. Any options for entering Germany which do not meet the criteria to attend ICLE are not included.
Different entry rules and regulations apply to different countries based on the classification of international risk areas by the German Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Homeland (BMI).
Prior to your trip, check here if your country of departure (or the countries you have spent the last 10 days before entering Germany) fall(s) under one of the categories below:
A) A high-incidence area – see the entry regulations below.
B) An area of a variant of concern – a travel ban is in place for countries with widespread occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 virus variants of concern (referred to as areas of a variant of concern).
Travelers from countries NOT included in the lists of high-incident areas or areas of a variant of concern
1. Residents of EU Member States and Schengen states (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein), as well as other countries outside EU on this list, are exempt from entry restrictions, but must possess and present proof of vaccination*, proof recent recovery** from COVID-19 (at least 28 days and no more than 6 months ago) or a negative PCR or antigen test if asked by German authorities upon entry.
2. Residents of other non-EU countries are ONLY permitted to enter Germany if they are fully vaccinated. This does not apply to entry from countries to which a condition of reciprocity applies (currently China). They must present proof of vaccination* upon entry.
Travelers from a high-incidence area (A):
☑ Before traveling to Germany, online registration at is required for all travelers who come from or have visited a high-risk area in the last 10 days prior to their entry into the country. In order to avoid quarantine, travelers must transmit proof of vaccination* or a recent recovery** from COVID-19 (at least 28 days and no more than 6 months ago) in the process of their online registration.
☑ Upon entry travelers must present:
1. Proof of the online registration (digital or printed format);
2. Proof of vaccination* or recent recovery** from COVID-19 (at least 28 days and no more than 90 days).
COVID-19 regulations in Munich valid from 19 March 2022
☑ 3G principle – proof of full vaccination*, recent recovery from COVID-19** or proof of a valid current test are required for:
– Attendance at the 3rd International Conference on Lymphocyte Engineering (ICLE);
– Museums, exhibitions and cinemas .
☑ Accommodation establishments – a proof of full vaccination*, recent recovery from COVID-19** or a proof of a valid current test is sufficient.
☑ Restaurants and beer gardens – a proof of full vaccination*, recent recovery from COVID-19** or a proof of a valid current test is sufficient.
☑ Discos, clubs, brothels and similar leisure facilities – a proof of full vaccination*, recent recovery from COVID-19** or a proof of a valid current test is sufficient.
☑ Public transport – no special requirements.
☑ FFP2 masks are compulsory in enclosed public spaces, all indoor events as well as in public transport. Non-compliance is prosecuted.
☑ Minimum distance must be adhered to for all indoor events.

Valid entry tests or evidence of low epidemiological risk are:
☑ Proof of full vaccination* in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish in digital or paper form with an EMA-approved vaccine against COVID-19 (BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson).
The vaccination must have taken place with at least two doses. In case of the vaccine by Johnson & Johnson (Jannssen-Cilag) as of 15 January a second dose of one of the specified vaccines is required. Vaccine certificates are valid for 270 days.
☑ Proof of recent recovery** of a previous infection with the COVID-19 issued in written or digital form in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish, if the test is based on laboratory diagnostics comprising a nucleic acid test (PCR test) and it was performed no less than 28 days and no more than 90 days previously.
☑ Negative test result *** of a PCR test taken up to 72 hours before arrival in Germany or antigen test taken up to 48 hours before arrival in Germany.
During your stay in Munich
We recommend using the Corona warning app – the app informs you anonymously and quickly if you have spent time in the vicinity of an infected person and whether this could result in a risk of infection. Downloading and using the app is completely voluntary. It can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store and Google Play.
If you have acute questions about the coronavirus during your stay in Munich, please contact the Coronavirus Hotline of the City of Munich: +49 89 233 96333.